Community Hub - Terms and Conditions

By using and participating in our community hub, you agree to behave respectfully and to the following rules:

Using the hub:

  1. Treat everyone on the forum with kindness and respect
  2. Do not use any discriminatory language
  3. DO NOT share any personal details
  4. Do not use the forum to advertise products or services, or to spam
  5. Keep to the topic of each individual thread. You will be guided to a different thread if needed
  6. Do not be offensive or threatening
  7. Try to help one another as much as possible.


As per this Terms and Conditions, the personal information that you share with us will never be distributed to a third party and will never be publicly visible without your written consent.

To sign up, you may be asked to provide a valid e-mail address. This will be only used to receive news from the forum and/or specific discussions/topics/threads you have requested to be notified about.


If you have any other questions, concerns or queries about these Terms and Conditions, please do contact us via email at