My name is Alejandra and I am 31 years old. My husband Antonio and I came from El Salvador and we are currently seeking asylum in the UK. We arrived in February 2021. Back home, I was a lawyer and my husband had a small business. Unfortunately, we had to come to the UK when Antonio was attacked by criminal groups. Antonio came to the UK a month before me, and we have both gone through a lot of difficult experiences. It hasn’t been easy. It has been tough for us to adapt to life in the UK, which is even harder as we have no family here at all.
I found REFEO on the internet and requested a laptop because we only had one mobile phone that we both had to share to do everything. Having a laptop has helped me a lot as I’ve been able to take online classes and submit formal documents to help my claim. Before, I was using my phone to study, which was really difficult, so the laptop has helped me to study in a much better and comfortable way. I am so grateful for the donation and now I hope to improve my English and volunteer in some way to help people in need and to get a job once I am allowed to.