Support for women with refugee and asylum-seeking status
In the UK there are several organisations with services specifically for women with refugee or asylum-seeking status. These services were created with women’s needs in mind, including mental health, housing, childcare and support for women who have experienced abuse.
Women for Refugee Women - offers free English lessons (with a group for mothers and their children), a drama group as a platform for women to tell their stories and gain confidence, yoga classes, advice on a range of topics (immigration, housing, welfare, education), and courses that provide women with an opportunity to develop their skillsets.
Refugee Women Connect - runs an outreach programme that assists women to attend appointments with emotional support and initial accommodation centres, as well as offering self-esteem support groups. They provide support when needing a solicitor and can act as a translator if needed. They also have a specific group for pregnant women who might need extra assistance.
Women for Women - is an international organisation with an office in London which offers support groups, job skills training, and health education. They focus on supporting women who have survived conflict in general.
Refugee Council - they provide support for all refugees, but have specific services for refugee women, including mental health support specifically those who have experienced abuse.
Refugee Women’s Association - offers outreach to refugee women and information regarding their rights, education, financial support, and much more. They also offer English classes and can help with job searching and writing CVs and job applications.
Saheliya - offers mental health support for refugee and asylum-seeking women in Edinburgh and Glasgow. Support includes: community gardening, complementary therapies, massage, aromatherapy. They can also provide a support worker who can assist with finding legal information, safety, housing, language support, and financial issues. Saheliya also offers a nursery at a reduced cost.
Women Seeking Asylum Together - is an organisation based in Manchester that offers drop-in clinics which connect women with specialists that can help them meet their needs. They have an immigration advice service and offer English classes.
Xenia - pairs non-English speaking women or women learning English with fluent English speakers. They also offer weekly workshops that foster a sense of community and empower women.
Refugee Women of Bristol - based in Bristol, as it name says, they cater to anyone in need of housing, but particularly refugees and asylum-seekers.
Baytree Centre - located in Brixton, Baytree Centre helps women, especially women with refugee and asylum-seeking status, with education, mentoring and job training. They also offer support for those who need housing and English skills.