Support for LGBTQ+ refugees and asylum seekers
We know how important it is to find community when you have arrived in a new country seeking safety. We also acknowldge that among the many reasons a person might be foreced to leave their country, there can be the danger and prejudiced they may faced based on their sexuality and/or gender identity.
With this in mind and to mark LGBTQ history month in the UK, we’ve created a list of organisations that directly support LGBTQ+ people in the asylum-seeking and refugee communities. These organisations offer a range of supports, from a place to stay and hot meals to legal advice and support to make an asylum claim.
African Rainbow Family: located in London, Manchester, Birmingham and Leeds, they support LGBTQ+ refugees and people seeking asylum through signposting to immigration advice and other services, social events and activities, free counselling, transport fares and food costs, hot meals, moral support and evidence in court, buddy support.
Birmingham LGBT: support to all members of the LGBTQ+ community, specifically assisting asylum seekers. Their services include counselling and psychotherapy, sexual health services, STI testing, free contraception, and advice for those in domestic abuse situations.
Bristol Refugee Rights: Bristol Pride Without Borders is a support group for Bristol-based LGBTQ+ people seeking asylum and those with refugee status. They meet every 2 weeks and spend time together. They meet online on Zoom and have a WhatsApp group.
London Friend: provides access to English courses for asylum seekers and refugees of the LGBTQ+ community, as well as mental and sexual health support.
LGBT Health and Wellbeing: based in Scotland, this service offers free and confidential individual, practical, social and digital support to LGBT+ asylum seekers and refugees.
LGBTQ Outside: the Outside Project is an LGBTQ+ Community Shelter, Centre and Domestic Abuse Refuge based in London for people within the LGBTQ+ community who feel endangered, who are homeless or ‘hidden’ homeless. The support people in the refugee and asylum-seeking community.
Micro Rainbow: offers safe housing to LGBTQ+ asylum seekers and refugees, and help LGBTQ+ refugees with access to employment, volunteering, training, and education.
Outcome: an LGBT mental health service in London ran by a lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender team. The group run Freedom from Fear to Love, which is open to LGBT asylum seekers and refugees in London who experience mental health distress.
Pride Without Borders: a social enterprise based in Leicester entirely run by (forced) migrants and British volunteers to provide support and advice to LGBT+ asylum seekers and refugees. They can support and advise people who are seeking asylum based on their sexuality, gender identity or gender expression, help prepare a claim, support you if you are in detention and give information once you achieve refugee status.
Rainbow Sisters: an organisation in London supporting LGBT+ women in the refugee community. They work to ensure that refugee women can speak to the media and at public events, and partner with arts organisations and speakers to amplify refugee women’s voices.
ReachOUT Leeds: is a safe space where people seeking asylum or with refugee status can be out, can express themselves freely, meet people like them and build a community based on shared experience. They offer skills- and confidence-building activities for people to further themselves, have fun, get to know their city and one another.
Website: www.
Rainbow Immigration: provide practical and emotional support for LGBTQI+ people seeking asylum to help improve their confidence and self-esteem and reduce isolation. They have specialist legal information and advice, including for LGBTQI+ people who want to live in the UK with their partners.
Say It Loud Club: an organisation committed to supporting LGBTQ+ refugees and asylum seekers. Since 2010, they provide one-on-one mentoring, workshops, social events, peer support, and referral to partner organisations for legal, financial, health and housing support.
Scotland’s LGBTQ+ Helplines: for individual advice or support about personal issues relating to sexual orientation or gender identity, contact LGBT Helpline Scotland. If you are a young person, contact LGBT Youth Scotland.
Micro Rainbow: they offer safe housing to LGBTQI asylum seekers and refugees, as well as support for LGBT+ refugees to access employment, volunteering, training, and education.
The House of Guramayle: an organisation co-founded by Ethiopian LGBTIQ+ and allies based in the USA, UK, and Austria. They have information for members of the Ethiopian LGBTQ+ community and a directory of support available to them.